roman_mumeral_map = (('M',1000), ('CM',900), ('D',500), ('CD',400), ('C',100), ('XC',90), ('L',50), ('XL',40), ('X',10), ('IX',9), ('V',5), ('IV',4), ('I',1))def to_roman(n): ''' convert integer to Roman numeral ''' if not (0 < n < 4000): raise OutOfRangeError('number out of range (must be less than 4000') result = '' for numeral, integer in roman_mumeral_map: while n >= integer: result += numeral n -= integer #print('subtracting {0} from input, adding {1} to output'.format(integer,numeral)) return resultclass OutOfRangeError(ValueError): pass
import roman1import unittestclass KnownValue(unittest.TestCase): """docstring for KnownValue""" known_values = ((1,'I'), (2,'II'), (3,'III'), (3888,'MMMDCCCLXXXVIII'), (3999,'MMMCMXCIX')) def test_to_roma_konwn_values(self): ''' to_roman should give known result with known input ''' for integer, numeral in self.known_values: result = roman1.to_roman(integer) self.assertEqual(numeral,result)class ToRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase): def test_too_large(self): ''' to_romam should fail with large input''' self.assertRaises(roman1.OutOfRangeError,roman1.to_roman,4000) def test_zero(self): '''to_roman should fail with 0 iput ''' self.assertRaises(roman1.OutOfRangeError,roman1.to_roman,0) def test_negative(self): ''' to_roman should fail with negtive input ''' self.assertRaises(roman1.OutOfRangeError, roman1.to_roman, -1)if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
class KnownValue(unittest.TestCase): -- 让该测试用例称为unittest模块下TestCase类的子类。